Frequently asked questions
See here for answers to some of the questions most frequently asked about RADar!
RADar! reporting platform is a tool by Climate Alliance for online citizen participation and planning. It offers municipalities and their inhabitants optimal opportunities to work together to promote cycling locally.
Cyclists can use the CITY CYCLING app and website to draw their municipality’s attention to problematic and/or dangerous places along cycle routes:
They can drop a pin on a map and add a reason for their report. The municipality is then informed and can take further action as appropriate.
Cyclists are able to submit reports for any municipality, as long as they offer RADar! Check which municipalities are offering RADar! on (“Participating municipalities”) or (tick in the final column). If the map is red for the selected municipality, you’re able to submit new reports. If the map is grey, the reporting period has already ended. You’re still able to comment on and confirm existing reports though.
Use RADar! via the CITY CYCLING app or online. There’s also a dedicated RADar! app and the website
Local coordinators are able to use their login details for CITY CYCLING to also log into (under “My RADar!” at the top right). Reports can be edited by clicking on the respective pin on the map or collectively via the dashboard (edit icon). A data export function allows all reports to be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. The reporting person is informed of all changes to their report via automatic emails.
Yes, local coordinators are able to delete reports. Municipalities will find this function under “Edit report”.
Please note: This function should be used extremely sparingly and only with good reason! Cycling infrastructure can only be improved if reports are processed individually and the wishes and concerns of cyclists are heard. It should moreover be noted that the reporting person is informed automatically of any changes. If there are infrastructure issues in a municipality that cannot currently be addressed, the reasons for reports (e.g. traffic routing or accessibility) can be adjusted in RADar!. Which processing statuses are publicly visible can be adjusted under “Configuration” > “Configure reports”.
Cyclists are able to delete reports under “My reports”
The local coordinators are responsible for processing the reports submitted by cyclists. Their contact details can be found on the municipal subpage.
There are two ways for rural districts and their associated municipalities to use RADar!
- Either the coordinator for the rural district books RADar! for the entire rural district. In this case, they also automatically become the coordinator for RADar!
- Or individual municipalities book RADar! when they register for CITY CYCLING. In this case, the reports go directly to the coordinator(s) in the respective municipalities
Yes, existing bookings can be extended under “Your license” on the RADar! website. The reporting and processing periods in the municipality are also indicated here.
The free 21-day licence for RADar! can be booked under “Manage municipality” after logging in on up until the start of the local campaign period. The box simply needs to be ticked and this change saved. The reporting period then ends automatically when the local CITY CYCLING campaign ends.
A one-year or three-year licence can be booked directly on
Yes, as long as the participating municipality offers RADar! (visible by the tick in the final column of the list on, for example). If this is the case, cyclists can submit reports under “My RADar!” in the login area on
Alternatively, reports can be submitted via An overview is also available here of which municipalities are using RADar!: (“Participating municipalities”)