RADar! for municipalities

Use RADar!, involve citizens in improvement of the cycling infrastructure and benefit from their knowledge as experts for everyday cycling to remedy specific issues in the local cycling network. If you use RADar! as part of Climate Alliance Services’s CITY CYCLING campaign, then it’s even free to use during the 21-day campaign period!

Citizen participation with RADar!

Invite local citizens to suggest improvements to infrastructure and use RADar! to complement your own road checks. Allowing those who use the infrastructure every day – and therefore know exactly where the weak points are – to help monitor the cycling infrastructure.

Use the embed code (available in the login area) to integrate the road map with the reports into your municipal websites and make even more people aware of RADar!



Photo credit: Climate Alliance Service / Felix Krammer

Communication made easy!

Municipalities can edit, manage and prioritise reports. If necessary, the person who submitted the report can be contacted – either in case of questions or to thank them.

Given that only registered participants are able to submit reports, these aren’t anonymous. This helps to keep “hoax reports” to a minimum. Should you still discover inappropriate content, you can easily delete it in individual cases.

Your communication with citizens is at the same time facilitated: cyclists automatically receive confirmation that their report has been submitted and are sent updates as soon as the processing status changes.

Reports can be forwarded easily and flexibly to the responsible office as necessary. 

Municipalities can also create their own reports to use RADar! as an information portal for planned and implemented measures. See below for an overview of the key functions.

Free choice for municipalities!

Municipalities are free to set the reporting period. Test RADar! during the local CITY CYCLING campaign, for example, then decide whether you wish to offer the tool for longer in future or again only to accompany the local CITY CYCLING campaign in the coming year. An additional or longer reporting period offers the advantage that you can learn which issues arise specifically during certain seasons (winter, for example).

The key features in overview

Report reasons

Receive reports on specific issues. Simply select your preferences from the menu.

Positive reports

The ‘Like’ button in RADar! helps to show municipalities and others that cyclists feel that they’re in good hands and would like to see more of them: praise can be expressed for the municipality and other municipalities can also see for their own planning what is well received by cyclists where.

Report visibility

Decide which reports – and therefore also which report statuses – are publicly visible on the RADar! map.

Neutral reports

All reports that have not yet been processed can be marked with a neutral white pin.

Awareness and prioritisation

Cyclists can confirm reports on the RADar! map to highlight existing problems. An issue’s urgency thus becomes clear, helping municipalities to prioritise.

Add notes

Municipalities are able to add comments to each pending report that is publicly visible. Take advantage of this opportunity for dialogue for example, if issues cannot be addressed immediately.

Combine multiple reports

Combine reports about the same issue in the same location.

Traceable processing status

Local authorities can track a report’s processing history to check its status at any time. Internal notes can also be added to reports.

Assign responsibility

Reports can be forwarded directly to the responsible authorities.

Sorting by date

Reports can be classified as issues to deal with in the short, medium or long term – a report of broken glass on a cycle path can be dealt with faster than a dangerous major crossroad, for example.

Add coordinators

Local coordinators are able to add additional coordinators with full access and editing rights.

Automatic email templates

Adapt the texts of the emails sent automatically by RADar! (e.g. confirmation of report submission) to suit your needs and add your own signature.

Filter function

The filters offer countless possibilities for displaying only pending reports or archived reports or all reports. It’s moreover possible to filter by report type or location, for example.

Export function

All reports can be downloaded as an Excel table and/or shapefile.

Please note:

If you decide to use RADar!, be sure to make the platform enough of a priority. Respond to reports quickly and address issues as soon as possible, otherwise cyclists will become frustrated and feel that their efforts are not being taken seriously.

So be sure to plan in sufficient resources!